I gathered together a few pictures that hadn't made it to the blog yet. So, kick back and get ready for some farmily cuteness :)
The duckies.... They are awesome pets but equally mixed with monster (during mating season, look out!) haha.

Our chicas as not so pretty teenagers, those feather are fully in now.

This beauty isn't with us any longer but he is so photogenic I had to add him... Our late Mr hank long feather.

This is the very first photo of me on our homestead:) it's been a year since we started this whirlwind journey. I can't believe we have achieved so much and have even been living the homestead dream for over a couple months. ... Try to overlook the Mountain Dew, I've finally kicked the filthy habit...mostly.

This is Red; she was my best friend but I believe the rooster, Mr. Red, has taken my place.

My boys:)

Some of our homestead pathways. In 2015, haha like it is way in the future, we will be making the pathways more "official" with some surface.. Rock, stones, pea gravel who knows.

The delivery of our duck coop... oh what a memorable truck ride :)

My princess, Bella.

Pete Pete

Ranger, my new best friend. I replaced Red only after she replaced me :(

Happy New Year !!!
Please remember to keep it safe folks. YOLO also means there isn't a redo button so no drinking and driving. Green, clean, classy.