Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Diy Baby Pants

This tube top has had a very long, repurposed, life. It started out as just a tube top that I never wore because I'm not really a fan of tube tops. I then sewed up the top and bottom and converted it to a throw pillow. Which was great, but my pillow collection got out control so it was time to cut back. Since baby Z will be a winter baby and the top is sweater material I got a light bulb idea to make her some pants.
I used a pair of pants that I got at Target, so cute right? I laid them over the top and cut around them, about a half inch away for hem and to give her bottom a little more room since it's not super stretchy.
I did the same on the over side. Now, for sewing. Flip the material inside out. I sewed up each leg piece up to the crotch area. Then, I pieced together the left to the right and sewed up from the crotch to the hem at the top. I sewed together a circle of elastic that would give her some room to stretch. At the top of the pants I flipped the material over the elastic loop and sewed that using a zig zag stitch. Flip right side out and I had reversible pants. This top only had the design on the front and the back was solid green so it's like two pants in one, bonus:)

That's that. Hope this has been helpful. Y'all keep it green, clean, and classy.

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