Whenever I do a Halloween makeup I want the final look to be more "cartoon" as in I want my eyes to appear larger than they actually are. To do this you need to cover your natural eyebrows.
Here's what you need:
Elmer's glue stick
Setting powder
Eyebrow brush
Apply the glue stick from the outer to the inner, then brush your eyebrows down. Let that dry for a minute then apply a second (possibly third) coat in the direction of eyebrow growth (from inner to outer).
Next up is to paint your face. For the doll look I'm going with white.

When you're trying to color your face this can take two coats, just depends on the makeup, your skin tone, and what color you're trying to achieve. If you were doing a witch costume then going all green would be so much easier.

To make your eyes look bigger use eyeliner around your eyes. Also, using eyeliner start to add some lines in the corner that will be "eyelashes".

Using a dark eyeshadow all the way over your natural eyebrows. Then, add eyebrows with a pencil. To keep the eyebrows looking more define use a black line at the bottom, but keep the eyebrows brown..unless you have black hair:)

To give your lips a cartoon look you need to draw them on. Just concentrate in the center and if you want your lips to look bigger line just around your lips. Keep the corners white coated. Finish things off with false eyelashes.

If you want to take it to the next level, add freckles.

Keep it green, clean, and classy.
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