Our beautiful baby Bella is celebrating her six month birthday today. We feel truly blessed to be able to provide her with a warm and loving family. While, my Mr and I had agreed we wanted to get a goat we never expected to be able to rescue one that was only a few days old.

She had to be bottle feed every 3-4 hours, so the beginning was a trail of sorts to an actual baby! Haha Love is an amazing thing, it gives you the strength to get out of bed even if your eyes can't be convinced to open. So, we tracked through the midnight feedings and have finally made it to the half year mark.
She is still enjoying her bottle as much as we enjoy feeding her. The bottles have been reduced to two every morning and evening. Her days are spent eating grain, hay, and sneaking into the chicken and duck food. Her curiosity is hard to keep up. The saying goes that "a goat will eat anything" but that couldn't be further from the truth. She is actually a super picky eater. However, I can understand the saying because she does like to chew on most things. I blame her curiosity and teething.

When we first got her she tried to attach herself to our dogs. They, however, are both boys (not mommas) so they were not having it. I'm absolutely "momma" to her and mr plays roll of "daddy". We are not the co-sleeping type so we set her up in a cozy hay bed and save the memory foam for ourselves :)

I enjoyed all the 'growing up' pics. Thanks for sharing your family!