Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Bringing the Farm to the Homestead

With the fencing complete we were able to bring our lovely four legged friends for a day of adventure and work, but mostly adventure:)  We also started our latest project calling it the sud shack, as all the suds would be gathered in this "shack". The shack however is turning out to be a complete building not anything anyone would refer to as a shack, at least I hope not. Here's Bella being her regular curious self. 

While Bella roamed about adjusting to the new environment our little man, Sir Beckendorff, went chasing after every bug or butterfly he could see; leaving our big man, Sir Sainic, all alone but he's old so we just put him in the studio with the air conditioning. Traveling with ducks and chickens can be a bit too much so they haven't had a homestead adventure day, yet. 

Here's the beginning of project sud shack. We built a frame so we could use it to find the exact spot. Clearly, this was done before I pulled out the mower. After the photo was snapped I mowed the area for the placement of the sud shack. We put the frame back in place, then marked each corner and two supports in the center. Next up was grabbing the post hole digger and getting to work. What helped us was to dig each hole a few inches deep, then fill the hole with water and move to the next project. After the water has fully soaked in, you are ready to dig some more. 

Alright, well that's all I've got for now so hope you enjoyed and have a great day. 

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