Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Project Homestead - Sud Shack /Wash House

Ok back to the sud shack/ wash house. The project started with the frame work for the floor. We built the frame first to use as a guide for our support post. Both my Mr. and myself are fans of pier and beam foundations..that's what we used for our studio. There are both advantages and disadvantages (more pros than cons) to going with pier and beam but for us the answer was obvious. So, on ward to the foundation. 
Once, we had our lovely frame we put it on the ground and moved it around until we both agreed on the perfect spot...we do a lot of our decision making on the fly:) this particular spot was chosen for the shade tree and it's close proximity to the studio.

Small beginnings, this project started as a pile of lumber..and a Yeti  full of drinks and lunch:) 

Now, fast forward past the hours of digging. We have our post holes dug, then posted, level of course, and finally have the frame attached to the post. Stud boards running the width of the sud shack are supported with smaller pieces running the length. This will eventually house our washer, dryer (that is only used in emergencies or hazardous weather), and a three piece bathroom so the floor needed to be supported all over. No creaks for this floor. 

Its 6' x 8'3" and originally the design was 6 x 8 but the extra three inches turned out to be a miracle. Some mistakes are like that, just an unplanned miracle. 

Till next time keep it green, clean, and classy.

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