Sunday, August 24, 2014

Homestead Life - Farmily Pictures

Hey y'all just posting a few pictures of our fur and feather family. With all the construction going on to establish our home on the homestead we haven't had as much quality time with our farmily as we would like. 

Pete Pete and Mr. Bill have been enjoying the summer heat. They currently have access to a creek that they retreat to most days. If not the reprieve of the creek then they are out chasing around the chickens and showing those chicas who's boss. Well, the younger chicks anyway. Our alpha hens, Blackie and Ole Red, show those ducks that their bills don't compete with beaks, haha. Love'em! 

Those lovely ladies getting a bite to eat are my alphas. They don't mind our dachshund mix, Sir Beckendorff. 

However, sometimes Miss Blackie will get jealous of the attention he gets and want in my lap. If I rub the back of her neck she will just go to sleep:) if I'm in the rocking chair then I can rock her to sleep:) Blackie is a dominique chicken. The Dominique breed has been known for their eggs and meat, but I'm impressed with their docile nature. On a homestead volume isn't a concern, which is a good thing because this lady can holler. 

What fur and feather post would be complete without Bella. She is the newest member of the farmily and her child like energy and curiosity demand much of my attention. 

Till next time I leave you with this...
While waiting for the water to heat up for a shower, collect the water for plants. In average cases this could be two gallons... That's per shower, per person, everyday! Adds up. Alright y'all keep it green, clean, and classy.

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