Thursday, February 12, 2015

Tiny DIY Kitchen

This little corner is our kitchen. I will show y'all how Mr and I put together our own kitchen, DIY style of course.

We started with just one twelve foot board. We are living small, extremely tiny to be more accurate :), but even a tiny house needs a kitchen. I wanted our home to feel more like a lounge not just the basics of a home reduced down. So, for the kitchen I put it in the corner and made each shelf a foot deep. Most kitchens have such deep counters that you can easily clutter them up. Clutter is my nemesis.

We used brackets that are really strong and attached them to studs so each shelf can easily hold all our dishes, appliances, etc.

For our kitchen sink Mr drilled a hole for the drain. Our tip for this is to first put a bucket underneath so all the wood shavings and dust will be easier to clean. Start drilling, on the top, but don't try to drill the hole completely. To keep the hole smooth, drill from the bottom once you have the center hole drilled to line up. 

Ta da, a smooth drain hole. Plus, the basket helped keep everything clean. We added two more shelves for a total of three. I really like to do things in three:) Next up, I lightly sanded the top and bottom of the shelves and sealed them with four coats of polyurethane. 

The polyurethane will leave the wood looking "wet" but it doesn't change the color, it isn't a stain. 

We also DIYed our sink. It's just a plastic bucket that was the perfect size and only a buck. I very carefully drilled a hole in it using the same bit for the drain hole in the wood. The bit is designed for wood so the center piece was too broad for the plastic. What I did for that was predrill a centered spot with a screw. Then the bit fit in that and the white teeth portion could catch on the plastic, but you need to be nice and easy with this. 

Next up, Mr added the faucet. I had purchased this faucet months before with the plan of having it come from the wall. We could have done that but it would have involved so much more work, with Sheetrock repair and extra complicated plumbing and blah blah blah. I said to myself "keep it simple, stupid". 
Oh yeah, all that mess. Um...just don't look at that:) 

Ok this photo has nothing to do with our kitchen, but I just love this picture of my Mr. 

Happy Friday the 13th. Y'all keep it green, clean, classy.

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