2 eggs, farm fresh organic from my chicas
2 cups cold black bean, I started with organic dry so I had to soak them overnight, then boil them for a couple hours, and then once they were rinsed and cooled I stored them in the fridge.
3/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup applesauce
1/4 cup peanut butter
1/4 dark chocolate chunks, melted
3 tbsp coconut oil, melted
3 tbsp raspberry preserve
1 1/2 tbsp baking powder
1/4 tsp sea salt
Chocolate chunk per cookie
Sprinkles for batter and topping :)
350 degrees 9-12 minutes 3 dozen...all estimates because my oven seems to be a bit off
Happy April Fools
I thought of zero dinner options when I saw black beans in my frig; my first thought was desert:) black beans in cookies sounds like a prank but they are delicious and nutritious. I'm way to easily distracted too be welding a camera while trying to cook, the multi tasking is maxed out by the fact that I am cleaning the dished, by hand, while I'm going...oh how I love to dream of the machine known as the dishwasher...sigh...back to cookies, see the distraction haha.
Preheat the oven to 350
add the eggs to a bowl
thicken them with a mixer for a couple minutes
Mix in the beans with mixer on, you want them creamy in the end
Pour in apple sauce
Fold in peanut butter
Add oil and chocolate together in a microwave safe bowl and melt, usually around 30 seconds
Add melted mix
Fold in cocoa powder
I used a fruit preserve but I think that would be optional as I didn't use much or taste it really
Last the baking powder and salt
Photo fun time
I used a spoon and my finger to dollop these babies out and topped each one with a chocolate chunk, using dark chocolate because it's actually got health benefits instead of milk chocolate which is just calories and sugar

And here they are done

With sprinkles! Only because it's April fools, we limit processed junk haha but one or two or three:) cookies don't hurt if you don't do it every day
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