Saturday, April 26, 2014

Diy Entry Way

If you are like me the. Your door just opens into your living room. I hate that. My living room is a drop spot for keys, for my purse, hats, and shoes (all this times two because my Mr. is also guilty of leaving his things about). I had to come up with something that would give me a designated zone so my mornings could be spent having a cup of joe, not running around looking for keys. I  knew I wanted to have a coat rack and a place for keys and pocket items.  The dilemma was financial :( isn't that always the problem... I had to get crafty, this is what I came up with....

I had one of those cheap metal shelf units...the one that goes over a toilet.

I thought it would work nicely because of the space at the bottom. It's exactly the height needed to have some hanging storage. 

Like all of my d.i.y. projects, this one starts with paint... You should always sand down the surface so the paint has something to stick to. Here I chose black.  I went with black because it is modern and simple. 

After the paint dried, I added the "backing". Now I use the word backing in quotes because it is not there for support, just looks :) I got some poster board... 2 for $1 ... Covered  one side with wrapping paper that i just taped to the back and a "backing" was made. 

Now, your ready to accessorize it for better organization. I just used what I already had around the house.
A couple tote buckets up top for scarves and hats, added one of those organizer boxes with spots for all the phones and iPods and cameras, two glass cups from the kitchen to hold pens, markers, and reading glasses, and finally a tray for my sunglasses...yes, I said "my" because those are all mine. I love sunglasses. 
These tote buckets were pink but I painted them so everything would look more cohesive. I love paint too:) 
Look how lovely my sunglasses look all lined up. 

Happy weekend y'all

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