Friday, April 4, 2014

Diy kitchen wall art

What I've done on the wall is super easy and quick ... "Easy", i say yes!  "Quick" however depends on you, this  was not the case for me because I'm so indecisive :/ :) 

This kitchen wall had a pantry and a shelf system for the animals and all of their food. It was cluttered and didn't say "home".  I decluttered the pantry so everything fit in a pair of cabinets under the bar.  The wall felt blank without the clutter, so I added d.i.y. Art.  This was simple and so inexpensive.

You will need: 
Variety of frames
Paint for the frames
Pictures and paper 

pick up a variety of frames the # depends on you, but I "heavily suggest" a # that adds to three ... Try dollar stores, thrifts, and, of course, clearance.  Here 6 of the 9 frames are plastic ones that I got for $1 ... You can save so much by purchasing plastic instead of wood and once they are painted and on the wall no one knows the material. 
These white frames (which are wood) were for retirement, see
Retirement isn't the theme but I got them because of the frame and that awesome green pattern matting, I just removed the tag.

Painted over that cheap metallic, hello coordinating black 

next you need to get all the variety coordinating together with paint. Depending on your style You can go with one to three colors.  Anymore than three and it starts becoming too busy. The three colors work here because the green of the frames is a match to the green in the matting. 

Ok so I laid all the frames out while they were empty and found a design layout that worked for the three colors. If you are only doing one color of frames go ahead and get a layout as well.  This will help you when you are selecting pictures. 

Now that you have your layout ready decide how many pictures verses paper you want and start making some cuts. You could use all paper or all pics but I like a mix of both. The pictures of food I cut out of a cook book that I practically got for free because it was not in English. For paper or matting i used gift wrap but you could also use stationary, even fabric, calendars or print from Internet just Use whatever you have on hand. Don't spend more or use more resources than necessary.

That step was a time eater and the hardest for me because I LOVE food and everything to do with food so I could not narrow down my photo stack.  I enlisted the help of my Mr., isn't it funny how quickly men make decisions... :) putting the completed look on the wall is so quick because it doesn't have to be asymmetrical. 

All said and done, I'm proud of my work and to think the total cost for me was $7!!! If you try this in your home I would love to see your spin on it:) 

Just because I love them :) ...some old pictures 
Front and center on daddy's arm is our handsome Mr. Bill and the black one hiding in the back is Pete Pete. He was a mister too but it doesn't have the same ring so he is Pete Pete  :) he is also not really black but a really dark iridescent green. Think of the simmer that gasoline has.
They still love their baths but they have grown out of the tub and into a kiddie pool.

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