Friday, May 30, 2014

Newest Farmily (farm-family) Members

Life isn't always a bowl full of chicks...but yesterday was!  I would like to introduce our newest farmily members (currently they are un-named because at this point they don't really have distinct personalities and just care about their food only, haha) 

After making sure that they had their fill of crumble, we all took off for an adventure. Exploring the great wide abyss known as our backyard. We have an acre that the chickens will call theirs when they are older but that much space isn't necessary. While chickens do need room to run around, a regular suburban backyard would suit just fine. Don't try to raise chickens in just a coop alone. Think about how your own quality of life would be if you were confined. 

While out learning the ways of the world the chicks ran into their older siblings. Introductions went smoothly and Blackie even provided the young'uns with some tips on perching.

Here, shes giving her left side, her right wide, and her crazy side.

Pete Pete has a way of demanding my attention so here he is looking good and showing off his very weak perching skills. I say weak because he really isn't any good. His talents are showcased at the lake were he can swim. Feathers on a duck act as zippers and seal to one another forming a perfect wet suit. After swimming Pete Pete is as dry as paper:) 

Not everyday is just for play; so Bella rounded the chicks up and put them to work. I'm pretty sure I don't need to side note that chickens are not actually capable of operating farm equipment, haha. Wouldn't it be great if they could. I would have 100. Chickens are a wonderful source of eggs (duh) but they also keep your pest down and the coop cleanings make great fertilizer for your garden. It's basically a win win situation. 

After all that hard work it was time for a much deserved nap. 

Notice Bella's cute cowlick. 

Hope you enjoyed another fur and feather post. Our homestead continues to grow and with each new life our hearts grow. Have a blessed day and remember to stay classy. 

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