An easy way to add some width to your dog's jersey.
Oh, the cowboys...for the last few years I have had a growing appetite for football. This year I was so excited about the first game of the season that we only worked a half day on the homestead so we could BBQ, even had meat!, but all that excitement was just a build up to a major let down. The Dallas Cowboys lost their first game. Ever faithful, I believe that the loss is out of the way now and they can move forward to a great win next week....

Doing my part as a fan, I passed my love down to Sir Sainic. He got his first jersey last year, but it needed some modifying. He is a wide body so I added width on the sides with some jersey fabric from old jogging pants.

I used the lining from the pants because I had never sewn with the mesh jersey and felt a little intimidated by it.
Here's how to DIY
- glue any visible stitching you might cut, I used a no sew glue that dries clear
- once dry, cut down both sides of the jersey
- add a strip of fabric pinning it in place
- sew up the pinned areas, repeat on both sides
- put it on your pup and say a prayer for your team, go Cowboys :)

Sir Sainic loved it, he kept strutting around feeling proud and wanting to show off. Then we got hit with Romo reality check, also known as interception. Oh well, we just got to buckle down and maybe I'll make Bella a Cowboy's dress.

Keep it green, clean, and classy.
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